C Qiu, HS Zurob and CR Hutchinson
The coupled solute drag effect during ferrite growth in Fe-C-Mn-Si alloys using controlled decarburization
Acta materialia, 100, pp. 333-343, 2015.
F de Geuser, MJ Styles, CR Hutchinson and A Deschamps
An in-situ combinatorial study of precipitation in composition gradients: experimental and modeling study in the Cu-Co system
Acta materialia, 101, pp. 1-9, 2015.
MJ Styles, RWK Marceau, TJ Bastow, HEA Brand, MA Gibson, and CR Hutchinson
The competition between metastable and equilibrium S (Al2CuMg) phase during the decomposition of Al-Cu-Mg alloys
Acta Materialia, 98, pp. 64-80, 2015.
F Azhari, A Heidarpour, XL Zhao, CR Hutchinson
Mechanical properties of ultra-high strength (Grade 1200) steel tubes under cooling phase of a fire: An experimental investigation
Construction and Building Materials, 93, pp. 841-850, 2015.
S Hosseini, A Heidarpour, F Collins, CR Hutchinson
Effect of strain ageing on the mechanical properties of partially damaged structural mild steel
Construction and Building Materials, 77, pp. 83-93, 2015.
M Goune, F Danoix, J Agren, Y Brechet, CR Hutchinson, M Militzer, GR Purdy, S van der Zwagg, HS Zurob
Overview of the current issues in austenite to ferrite transformation and the role of migrating interfaces therein for low alloy steels
Materials Science and Engineering R (Reports), 92, pp. 1-38, 2015.
M Guo, D Panahi, H Van Landeghem, CR Hutchinson, G Purdy and HS Zurob
A Comparison of Ferrite Growth Kinetics under Denitriding and Decarburizing Conditions
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46A, pp. 2449-2454, 2015.
D Panahi, H Van Landeghem, CR Hutchinson, GR Purdy and H Zurob
New insights into the limit for non-partitioning ferrite growth
Acta materialia, 86, pp. 286-294, 2015.
M Mirmomeni, A Heidarpour, XL Zhao, CR Hutchinson, J Packer, C Wu
Mechanical properties of partially damaged structural steel induced by high strain-rate loading at elevated temperatures – an experimental investigation
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 76, pp. 178-188, 2015.
Y Chen, XY Fang, Y Brechet and CR Hutchinson
Surface Precipitation on Engineering Alloys
Acta materialia, 81, pp. 291-303, 2014.
D Fabrègue, B Mouawad and CR Hutchinson
Enhanced recovery and recrystallization of metals due to an applied current
Scripta materialia, 92, pp. 3-6, 2014.
CR Hutchinson, F de Geuser, Y. Chen and A Deschamps
Quantitative measurements of dynamic precipitation during fatigue of an Al-Zn-Mg-(Cu) alloy using small angle x-ray scattering
Acta Materialia, 74, pp. 96-109, 2014.
R Jindal, VS Raja, MA Gibson, MJ Styles, TJ Bastow and CR Hutchinson
Effect of annealing below the crystallization temperature on the corrosion behaviour of Al-Ni-Y metallic glasses
Corrosion Science, 84, pp. 54-65, 2014.
MJ Styles, TJ Bastow, MA Gibson, CR Hutchinson
Substitution of Cu and/or Al in phase (MgZn2) and the implications for precipitation in Al-Zn-Mg-(Cu) alloys
Intermetallics, 49, pp. 40-51, 2014.
A Heidarpour, NS Tofts, AH Korayem, XL Zhao, CR Hutchinson
Mechanical Properties of Very High Strength Steel Tubes at Elevated Temperatures
Fire Safety Journal, 64, pp. 27-35, 2014.
D Bardel, M Perez, D Nelias, A Deschamps, CR Hutchinson, D Maisonnette, T Chaise, J Garnier, F Bourlier
Coupled precipitation and yield strength modeling for non-isothermal treatments of a 6061 aluminium alloy
Acta materialia, 62, pp. 129-140, 2014.
Y Chen, M. Weyland and CR Hutchinson
The Effect of Interrupted Ageing on the Yield Strength and Uniform Elongation of Precipitation Hardened Al Alloys
Acta materialia, 61, pp. 5877-5894, 2013.
C Qiu, HS Zurob, D Panahi, Y Brechet, GR Purdy, CR Hutchinson
Quantifying the solute drag effect on ferrite growth in Fe-C-X alloys using controlled decarburization experiments
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44, pp. 3472-3483, 2013
HS Zurob, D Panahi, CR Hutchinson, Y Brechet, GR Purdy
Self-Consistent Model for Planar Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-X Alloys
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44, pp. 3456-3471, 2013.
DG Cram, XY Fang, HS Zurob, Y Brechet and CR Hutchinson
Solute effects on discontinuous dynamic recrystallization
Acta materialia, 60, pp. 6390-6404, 2012.
MJ Styles, CR Hutchinson, Y Chen, A Deschamps and TJ Bastow
The coexistence of two S phases (Al2CuMg) in Al-Cu-Mg alloys
Acta materialia, 60, pp. 6940-6951, 2012.
CR Hutchinson
The coexistence of multiple ‘pearlites’ in isothermally treated multi-component steels
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43, pp. 2567-2570, 2012.
MDH Lay, HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, TJ Bastow and A.J Hill
Vacancy behavior and solute cluster growth during natural aging of an Al-Mg-Si alloy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43, pp. 4507-4513, 2012.
RWK Marceau, C Qiu, SP Ringer and CR Hutchinson
A Study of the Composition Dependence of the Rapid Hardening Phenomenon in Al-Cu-Mg alloys Using Diffusion Couples
Materials Science and Engineering A, 546, pp. 153-161, 2012.
TJ Bastow, CR Hutchinson and AJ Hill
Strong Interaction of an Al2Cu Intermetallic Precipitate with its Boundary
Philosophical Magazine, 92, pp. 2022-2031, 2012.
A Deschamps, G Fribourg, Y Bréchet, JL Chemin, CR Hutchinson
In-situ evaluation of dynamic precipitation during plastic straining of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
Acta materialia, 60, pp. 1905-1916, 2012.
RK Gupta, NL Sukiman, MK Cavanaugh, BRW Hinton, CR Hutchinson and N Birbilis
Metastable pitting characteristics of aluminium alloys measured using potentiostatic transients
Electrochimica Acta, 66, pp. 245-254, 2012.
WZ Han, Y Chen, A Vinogradov, CR Hutchinson
Dynamic Precipitation During Cyclic Deformation of an Underaged Al-Cu Alloy at Room Temperature
Materials Science & Engineering A, 528, pp. 7410-7416, 2011.
WZ Han, A Vinogradov, CR Hutchinson
On the reversibility of dislocation slip during cyclic deformation of Al alloys containing shear-resistant particles
Acta materialia, 59, pp. 3720-3736, 2011.
WC Neil, M Forsyth, PC Howlett, CR Hutchinson and BRW Hinton
Corrosion of Heat Treated Magnesium Alloy ZE41
Corrosion Science, 53, pp. 3299-3308, 2011.
A Deschamps, TJ Bastow, F de Geuser, AJ Hill and CR Hutchinson
In-Situ Evaluation of the Microstructural Evolution during Rapid Hardening of an Al-2.5Cu-1.5Mg (wt. %)
Acta materialia, 59, pp. 2918-2927, 2011.
GR Purdy, J Ågren, A Borgenstam, Y Brechet, M Enomoto, T Furuhara, E Gamsjager, M Goune, M Hillert, CR Hutchinson, M Militzer and H Zurob
ALEMI: A ten year history of discussions of alloying-element interactions with migrating interfaces
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42, pp. 3703-3718, 2011.
RWK Marceau, LT Stephenson, CR Hutchinson SP Ringer
Atom Probe Study of an Al-Cu Alloy Containing a Bimodal Precipitate Size Distribution: Quantitative Characterization across Multiple Length Scales
Ultramicroscopy, 111, pp. 738-742, 2011.
C. R. Hutchinson
Modeling the Kinetics of Precipitation in Aluminium Alloys
Chapter 14 in “Fundamentals of Aluminium Metallurgy”, Ed. R. Lumley, Woodhead Publishing, 2010.
MA Gibson, X Fang, CJ Bettles and CR Hutchinson
The effect of precipitate state on the creep resistance of Mg-Sn alloys
Scripta Materialia, 63, pp. 899-902, 2010
CR Hutchinson and HS Zurob
Mesoscale simulations of the kinetics of solid-solid phase transformations: selecting the relevant interfacial compositions for shape-preserved growth
Comptes Rendus Physique, 11, pp. 257-264, 2010.
KD Ralston, N Birbilis, M Weyland and CR Hutchinson
The effect of precipitate size on the yield strength-pitting corrosion correlation in Al-Cu-Mg alloys
Acta Materialia, 58, pp. 5941-5948, 2010.
DG Cram, HS Zurob, Y Brechet and CR Hutchinson
Modeling discontinuous dynamic recrystallization using a physically-based model for nucleation
Acta materialia, 57, pp. 5218-5228, 2009.
J da Costa Teixeira, L Bourgeois, CW Sinclair and CR Hutchinson
The effect of plate-shaped, shear-resistant precipitates on the work hardening on Aluminium alloys; towards a prediction of the strength-elongation combination
Acta materialia 57, pp. 6075-6089, 2009.
CR Hutchinson, PT Loo, TJ Bastow, AJ Hill and J da Costa Teixeira
Quantifying the Strain-Induced Dissolution of Precipitates in Al Alloy Microstructures using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Acta materialia, 57, pp. 5645-5653, 2009.
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, YJM Brechet and GR Purdy
Kinetic Transitions during Non-Partitioned Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-X Alloys
Acta materialia, 57, pp. 2781-2792, 2009.
YJM Brechet, HS Zurob and CR Hutchinson
On the Effect of Pre-recovery on Subsequent Recrystallization
International Journal of Materials Research, 100, pp. 1446-1448, 2009.
WC Neil, M Forsyth, PC Howlett, CR Hutchinson and BRW Hinton
Corrosion of Magnesium Alloy ZE41 – The Role of Microstructural Features
Corrosion Science, 51, pp. 387-394, 2009.
CR Hutchinson, HS Zurob, CW Sinclair and YJM Brechet
The Comparative Effectiveness of Nb Solute and NbC Precipitates at Impeding Grain Boundary Motion in Nb-Steels
Scripta materialia, 59, pp. 635-637, 2008.
J Da Costa Teixeira, DG Cram, TJ Bastow, AJ Hill and CR Hutchinson
On the Strengthening Response of Aluminium Alloys Containing Shear-Resistant Plate Shaped Precipitates
Acta materialia, 56, pp. 6109-6122, 2008.
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, A Beche, GR Purdy and YJM Brechet
A Transition from Local Equilibrium to Paraequilibrium Kinetics for Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-Mn; A Possible Role of Interfacial Segregation
Acta materialia, 56, pp. 2203-2211, 2008
CR Hutchinson, M Goune and A Redjaimia
Selecting Non-Isothermal Heat Treatment Schedules for Precipitation Hardening Systems: An Example of Coupled Process-Property Design
Acta Materialia, 55, pp. 213-223, 2007.
C Sinclair, CR Hutchinson and Y Brechet
The Effect of Nb on Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Ultra-High Purity -Fe: A Combinatorial Approach
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 38A, pp. 821-830, 2007.
A Béché, HS Zurob and CR Hutchinson
Quantifying the Solute Drag Effect of Cr on Ferrite Growth Using Controlled Decarburization Experiments
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 38A, pp. 2950-2955, 2007.
YJM Brechet, CR Hutchinson, HS Zurob and CW Sinclair
Effect of Nb on Ferrite Recrystallization and Austenite Decomposition in Microalloyed Steels
Steel Research International, 78, pp. 210-215, 2007.
“Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations: The Selected Works of Mats Hillert”
Editors: J. Agren, Y. Brechet, C. R. Hutchinson, G. R. Purdy and J. Phillibert
EDPSciences, 2006, Paris, France, (ISBN: 2-86883-889-8).
Y Brechet and CR Hutchinson
Defect-Induced Solid State Patterning in Metals and Alloys
Solid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, 60, pp. 181-287, 2006.
C Mendis, CJ Bettles, MA Gibson and CR Hutchinson
An Enhanced Age Hardening Response in Mg-Sn Based Alloys Containing Zn
Materials Science and Engineering A, 435-436, pp. 163-171, 2006.
C Mendis, C Bettles, M Gibson, S Gorsse and CR Hutchinson
The Refinement of Precipitate Distributions in a Mg-Sn Alloy Through Microalloying
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86, pp. 443-456, 2006.
AA Wahab, CR Hutchinson and MV Kral
A Three-dimensional Characterization of Creep Void Formation in Hydrogen Reformer Tubes
Scripta materialia, 55, pp. 69-73, 2006.
YJM Brechet, CR Hutchinson, GR Purdy and HS Zurob
Diffusion and Phase Transformations in Steels: A Tool for Experimentation and a Method for Modeling
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 249, pp. 239-246, 2006.
CR Hutchinson and Y Brechet
Introduction to ‘Diffusion Controlled Growth of Lamellar Eutectics and Eutectoids in Binary and Ternary Systems, by Mats Hillert’
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations: The Selected Works of Mats Hillert, EDPSciences, 2006, Paris, France.
CR Hutchinson
Introduction to ‘An Analysis of the Effect of Alloying Elements on the Pearlite Reaction, by Mats Hillert’
in Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations: The Selected Works of Mats Hillert, EDPSciences, 2006, Paris, France.
CR Hutchinson, HS Zurob and Y Brechet
The Growth of Ferrite in Fe-C-X Alloys: The Role of Thermodynamics, Diffusion and Interfacial Conditions
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 37A, pp. 1711-1720, 2006.
HS Zurob, G Zhu, SV Subramanian, GR Purdy, CR Hutchinson and Y Brechet
Analysis of the Effect of Mn on the Recrystallization Kinetics of High Nb Steel: An Example of Physically Based Alloy Design
ISIJ, 45, pp. 714-723, 2005.
CR Hutchinson, JF Nie and S Gorsse
Modeling the Precipitation Processes and Strengthening Mechanisms in an Mg-Al-(Zn) AZ91 Alloy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 36A, pp. 2093-2105, 2005.
S Gorsse, CR Hutchinson, B Chevalier and JF Nie
A Thermodynamic Assessment of the Mg-Nd System Using Random and Associate Models for the Liquid Phase
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 392, pp. 253-262, 2005.
CR Hutchinson and Y Brechet
The Coupling of Interphase Boundary Migration and Precipitation: Example of a Microalloyed Nb-Containing Steel
in “Solid State Transformations and Heat Treatment”, Editor. A. Hazotte, pp. 42-52, Wiley-VCH, 2005..
CR Hutchinson, A Fuchsmann, HS Zurob and Y Brechet
A Novel Experimental Approach to Identifying Kinetic Transitions in Solid State Phase Transformations
Scripta Materialia, 50, 285-290, 2004.
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, GR Purdy and Y Bréchet
Rationalization of the Softening and Recrystallization Behaviour of Microalloyed Austenite Using Mechanism Maps
Materials Science and Engineering A, 382, 1-2, pp. 64-81, 2004.
CR Hutchinson, RE Hackenberg and GJ Shiflet
The Growth of Partitioned Pearlite in Fe-C-Mn Steels
Acta materialia, 52, pp. 3565-3585, 2004.
CR Hutchinson, A Fuchsmann and Y Brechet
The Diffusional Formation of Ferrite from Austenite in Fe-C-Ni Alloys
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35A, pp. 1211-1221, 2004.
A Phillion, HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, H Gao, DV Malakhov, J Nakano, and GR Purdy
Studies of the Influence of Alloying Elements on the Growth of Ferrite from Austenite under Decarburisation Conditions: Fe-C-Ni
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 35A, pp. 1237-1242, 2004.
CR Hutchinson and GJ Shiflet
The Formation of Pearlite above the Upper Ae1 in an Fe-C-Mn Steel
Scripta Materialia, 50, pp. 1-5, 2004.
CR Hutchinson, A Fuchsmann, HS Zurob and Y Brechet
The Diffusional Formation of Allotriomorphic Ferrite From Austenite in Fe-C-X Systems. The Simplest Case: Fe-C-Ni
Austenite Formation and Decomposition, ed. E.B. Damm and M. Merwin, pp. 49-63, (Warrendale, PA: ISS/TMS, 2003).
G Inden and CR Hutchinson
Interfacial Conditions at the Moving Interfaces during Growth of Ferrite from Austenite in Fe-C-X Alloys
Austenite Formation and Decomposition, ed. E.B. Damm and M. Merwin, pp. 65-79, (Warrendale, PA: ISS/TMS, 2003).
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, GR Purdy and Y Brechet
Investigation of the Interaction between Recovery and Precipitation in a Model Austenitic Alloy: Experimental and Modelling Results
Austenite Formation and Decomposition, ed. E.B. Damm and M. Merwin, pp. 121-138, (Warrendale, PA: ISS/TMS, 2003).
K Raviprasad, CR Hutchinson, T Sakurai and SP Ringer
The Effect of Trace Additions of Ag and Si on the Precipitation Processes in Al-Cu-Mg Alloys
Acta Materialia, 51, pp. 5037-5050, 2003.
CR Hutchinson and Y Brechet
Solute Drag: A review of the ‘Force’ and ‘Dissipation’ approaches to the effect of solute on grain and interphase boundary motion
in ‘Thermodynamics, Microstructure and Plasticity’, Eds. A Finel, D. Mazière and M. Veron, NATO Science Series, vol. 108, pp. 155-164, 2003.
CR Hutchinson, RE Hackenberg and GJ Shiflet
A Comparison of EDS Microanalysis in FIB-Prepared and Electropolished TEM This Foils
Ultramicroscopy, 94, pp. 37-48, 2002.
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, Y Brechet and G Purdy
Modelling Recrystallisation of Microalloyed Austenite: effect of coupling recovery, recrystallisation and precipitation
Acta Materialia, 50, pp. 3075-3092, 2002.
CR Hutchinson, X Fan, SJ Pennycook and GJ Shiflet
On the Origin of the High Resistance to Coarsening of Plates in Al-Cu-Mg-Ag Alloys
Acta Materialia, 49, pp. 2827-2841, 2001.
CR Hutchinson and SP Ringer
Effect of Si on the Precipitation Processes in Al-Cu-Mg Alloys
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 31A, pp. 2721-2733, 2000.